Could Using This Overlooked Button In Your Car Save You Gas This Summer?
There is more likely a button sitting inside your car right now that could not only save you some pain at the pump but could also save you some maintenance to your vehicle. That button is your recirculate button, and it could come in handy today.
The recirculate button looks like a car with a little arrow looping inside of it.
With an excessive heat warning kicking in later this morning and into the afternoon, drivers might want to push that recirculation button on their dashboard. The button helps your vehicle not work as hard in keeping you cool, while also saving you a little bit of gas in the process because when your car isn't working as hard as it could, it's using less gas.
According to the Wall Street Journal, "Cars typically are more fuel-efficient when the air conditioner is set to re-circulate interior air. This is because keeping the same air cool takes less energy than continuously cooling hot air from outside. Of course, turning off the air conditioner saves even more fuel."
Whether or not it's really saving you the amount of money at the pump that makes a HUGE difference to your wallet, but every little bit counts.
With the temps reaching dangerous levels today, I'm willing to try just about anything to stay comfortable in my car while saving 'something', even if that something is a mechanics bill for not pushing my car too hard, as we are still battling with the higher prices at the pump.
Do you have some great ways to stay cool? Let us know through the chat feature on our free app!