Now that all the festivities of Christmas and New Year's are behind us and the reality of the long, cold winter that still lies ahead hits, it's probably a good idea to be aware of the most depressing time of the year that is just a few days away. That date, called Blue Monday, is the culmination of a depleted bank account, the few pounds put on over the holidays, lack of long sunny days and being stuck at work after several days off. Put all these factors together and lots of people end up feeling depressed and this Monday, January 16, is supposedly the pinnacle of those depressing days. Blue Monday usually falls on the third Monday of January each year but has been calculated to fall on the second or fourth Monday in the past.

A good cure for those mid-winter blahs is as simple as exercise, a brisk walk or make plans to do something fun that day with friends or family like a movie, visit the zoo or, my personal favorite, some indoor go cart racing, I mean, come on, how can that not be fun? Zoom!

Seriously though, if you're experiencing depression at any time of the year, make sure you seek help. Talk with your physician, a trusted family member or friend. If you're having feelings of a self-destructive nature, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-8255 or the South Central Mobile Crisis Team at (877) 399-3040.

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