126th Annual North Morristown July 4th Celebration
Al Spitzcak of North Morristown has been attending the annual North Morristown July 4th event ever since he can remember. Spitzcak will be the guest on today's KDHL AM Minnesota program at 9:30 a.m. He has been a key organizer and the spokesperson for the event for a number of years.
Organizers believe they have the oldest 4th of July celebration in the state. The celebration is held in an area across from the Trinity Lutheran Church. There is a main stage and a few buildings for food and games. The free entertainment for the event is top notch with the headliners once again being Monroe Crossing. Members of the Minnesota Music Hall of Fame.
The food stands open at 9:00 a.m. and if you have never been there at that time I can tell you the line for the pie slices forms probably 10 to 15 minutes before the stand opens.
A flag raising takes place at 9:45 a.m. followed by the parade at 10:00 a.m. The kiddie and pet parade are all rolled right in to the main parade and this parade has lots of candy. The traditional end of the parade is a unit called the "Candy House" and they dole out tons of candy. The Grand Marshals are Charles and Pam Wagner.
The Patriotic Program follows the parade. For many years KDHL has been broadcasting that portion of the program thanks to some sponsors. We also want to thank Monroe Crossing in advance because they give us a feed through their sound equipment for our broadcast.
This year they are recognizing all veterans who have served after Vietnam through today.
We will get more details about the musical entertainment at this year's celebration on AM Minnesota.
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