Your 2020 Guide to Election Day Voting in Minnesota
It's Election Day 2020 in America. Here's everything you need to know to get your votes counted in Minnesota.
1.7 million Minnesotans have already voted either using absentee ballots or early voting locations.
WHERE & WHEN TO VOTE: Minnesota polling places will be open from 7:00 AM until 8:00 PM today. If you are in line by 8:00 PM tonight, you will be allowed to vote. Unregistered Minnesota voters can register at their polling place today. If you're unsure where to vote, you can find your poling place HERE.
WILL MY BALLOT MAIL-IN BE COUNTED? If you've already mailed in your ballot, but are unsure if it will arrive on time, Minnesota State Attorney General Steve Simon says that you can always vote in person. If your mail-in ballot arrives before you do at the polls, you'll be turned away. If you vote at the polls before your mail-in ballot arrives, it will be discarded when it eventually does.
Minnesota is committed to protecting and strengthening the security and fairness of our elections process.

CAN I STILL MAIL MY ABSENTEE BALLOT? No. The State of Minnesota says that it is now too late to mail your ballot. It can be dropped off in person up until 3:00 PM this afternoon.
YOU CAN TRACK YOUR ABSENTEE BALLOT: You can track your absentee ballot to see if it has been accepted and will be counted HERE. You will need to use the identification number (drivers license, SSN, etc.) that you used when you submitted your ballot.
PREVIEW YOUR SAMPLE BALLOT: You can get a head start before heading to the polls today by checking our your sample ballot HERE.
WHAT TO EXPECT AT THE POLLS TODAY: Proper face masks will be required at all Minnesota polling places today, as will social distancing. Per Minnesota state law, no clothing or accessories bearing the name of any candidate on the ballot will be allowed. Voting selfies are allowed in Minnesota, but ballots cannot appear in any photos.
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