Would Changing Daylight Saving Time Be Better for MN?
There are some people all they way down in Florida, pushing to change Daylight Saving Time by NOT having the time change during the pandemic. They think that it would help offer families some stability, giving them more daylight hours. I actually think that they don't care about Covid-19 at all; this is just an excuse to bring it back up again. Apparently there are a few people that have been pushing for this for many years. For their tourist economy, they say it means later sunrises and later sunsets for the state.
What does it mean for us? If Florida gets to pass the law, do you think other states will want to follow in their footsteps? Do you think this is something that would be beneficial in Minnesota? What would be YOUR reasons for not Falling back in November?
Let me know your thoughts. Are you truly passionate about making sure the time stays the same? Or do you LOVE springing forward and then falling back every year?

Some people have offered their opinions. What say you?
Simplicity: Just to keep things simple, let us leave it alone.
Keep it: Lets change it. NOT changing it would confuse the crap out of everyone.
Not sure: Every year when it happens, I'm excited that I get to sleep in on one side of the fence, and then bummed when I lose an hour.
Send me your thoughts to kelly@minnesotasnewcountry.com.
Personally, I don't mind the change, as I feel like 'change' helps us move forward. Such a simple event of getting up earlier or going to bed later doesn't really matter in the big scheme of things; but who am I.
Learn more about Florida's request by clicking HERE.