What Makes You Instantly Smile?
During these pandemic times, it's tough to really put yourself in the best of moods. So much has changed and we all need just a little nudge toward some kind of happiness.
What makes people instantly smile? Well, according to a survey the following things tend to make us feel happier.
Hearing some good news usually tends to lift your spirits a bit. Personally, I'd like to hear that I won the lottery.

Some people have that infectious smile and I'm not talking COVID. You see them smile and it makes you smile. Win, win.
It's always great to hang out with people you haven't seen in awhile. A lot of good friends that you used to hang out with often have been absent from your life lately because of the pandemic. Seeing these people again is bound to raise your spirits.
Sometimes, just putting a smile on someone else's face can make you feel better. They should really make a mask that tells others when your smiling. Just sayin'
A good joke always does the trick with me.
The survey lists spending time with your family. I've talked to a few people that have just about enough of that lately. But family makes you smile.
Sometimes, just a surprise or a compliment from a stranger can give your that happy feeling and put a smile on your face.
What really works for me is listening to some good music and the bevy of music available is vast. So strap on those headphones and let the tunes roll. Oh, and smile!
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