Warning Given by Fire Officials About Sparklers
As the 4th of July fast approaches, fire officials are warning us of the dangers of sparklers.
No, they are not trying to keep us from using sparkles to celebrate the 4th, they just want us to be aware of the dangers since there will be so many kids playing with them this coming week.
The St. Paul Fire Department, with the help of the Minnesota State Fire Marshal’s office and Regions Hospital, performed a demonstration on Friday of the dangers of fireworks and how to handle them properly. They said, about sparklers specifically, that they "can reach a temperature of 2,000 to 3,000 degrees; that’s hot enough to melt a piece of metal."
Deputy Fire Marshal Jim Smith also said that "61% of injuries involving sparklers are children under the age of 5."
If someone gets burned, be sure to soak the burn in cold water and bandage it up as best as possible.
Source: WCCO
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