7 Baseball Movies That Hit a Home Run
If you're not going to a baseball game or listening to the Twins on KRFO AM 1390, maybe it's time to fire up one of these baseball movies. After a recent Facebook poll on the KRFO page, I decided to watch "The Natural," which I haven't seen in I don't know how long. Robert Redford is Roy Hobbs in the 1984 flick where Hobbs' boyhood dream of playing baseball is sidetracked by a tragic incident.
"Field of Dreams" from 1989 is a contender for top movie across all genres. The Kevin Costner movie is simple to bring to live by stopping by the field in Iowa, where the corn marks the outfield, just like the movie.
KRFO listener Bob Hansen suggested "Bang the Drum Slowly," which fellow announcer and account executive Brad Fischer mentioned to me as well. It's not a movie I've seen and haven't been able to locate it yet online or through a local video store. I'll keep looking. The 1956 original was remade in 1973.
Announcer Melissa Hall is a big fan of "A League of Their Own." Tom Hanks admonition that there is no crying in baseball is a great candidate for top movie line of all-time.
"The Sandlot" was the choice of several and is a great family option. "Major League" is a riot. "The Rookie," from 2002, was the most current movie to make our list.
A couple of movies that should be on the list include "Bull Durham" and "Bad News Bears." One listener suggested "Miracle," certainly a great movie, but the wrong sport. I can see putting that one toward the top of a list of all-time sports movies.
Source for several movie details: rotten tomatoes website