Ugly Sweater Event for Owatonna Young Professionals
The Young Professionals group of the Owatonna Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism are hosting an ugly Christmas sweater social event Thursday, December 7 at the Steele County History Center from 12-1PM. There will be a white elephant gift exchange as well.
If you have a Y-pro pass it is free, otherwise, the cost is $15. The Young Professionals meet on a monthly basis.
In its weekly email newsletter, OACCT announces that former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty will speak at the annual chamber dinner on Friday, January 12. He will speak of how the state can prepare for the ongoing wave of technical innovations.
Bemidji won the Minnesota Monthly "Best Minnesota Town" competition. Owatonna was a top-five finalist. The newsletter states, "We had a wonderful time at the Best of Minnesota party in Minneapolis...we are still honored to be in the top five. Owatonnans have a lot to be proud of."
For your holiday giving, the chamber offers gift certificates. Staff is available at the office Monday through Friday 8AM-5PM. Call with questions at 507-451-7970.