Two Minnesotans Sickened by E. Coli 0157 from Baby Spinach
ST. PAUL -- Two Minnesotans have been sickened by E. Coli 0157 from organic baby spinach.
The Minnesota Department of Health says the two Minnesota cases became ill from October 17th to October 23rd. Neither person was hospitalized. Both were in their mid-20s. One is a metro area resident and the other is from the outstate. One case says they ate Josie's Organics baby spinach they bought at HyVee, and the other case reported Fresh Thyme organic baby spinach.
Both brands are produced by Braga Fresh.
Additional cases are being investigated in other states.
If you have left over baby spinach from these brands with a 'best date by on or around 10/23/2021' throw it out.

Symptoms of illness caused by E. Coli 0157 typically include stomach cramps and diarrhea, but only a low grade or no fever. People typically become sick two to five days after exposure. Most people recover in five to 10 days.
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