The Top 5 Privileges Only Minnesotans Get To Claim
We've always known that living here in the North Star State is pretty cool, right? But now a new survey has five distinct things that only residents of Minnesota get to enjoy.
Sure, the winters here in the Bold North can be cold, snowy and long (well, and the springs can be too-- at least this year.) But there are still a lot of great reasons we all still live here.
And the gang over at OnlyInYourState has put together a list of 11 Privileges Minnesotans Have That The Rest Of The US Doesn't. Some don't apply to just us here in the Land of 10,000 Lakes (there's the Wisconsinite in me coming out again), but there are five distinct advantages we get to enjoy as Minnesotans.
5) Tater Tot Hot Dish - Yeah, we didn't have this growing up over in Wisconsin, and if we did have something close to it, we called it a casserole. Which, we all know, just isn't the same.
4) Access to the largest mall in North America - While I'm not the biggest Mall of America fan myself-- I think the last time I was there was to get my phone fixed at the Apple store-- but I can appreciate all the cool things it offers anyway, not to mention all the tourists it brings to our state.
3) Year-Round Activities - Sure, even my home state of Wisconsin gets the same type of long winters we do here in Minnesota, but the Bold North seems to enjoy them more-- and seems to offer cool things to do, no matter which season it is.
2) Incredible craft breweries - As a Wisconsinite, this one almost hurts a little bit because Wisconsin has historically been known for its beer. Heck, the baseball team from Milwaukee is the Brewers, for crying out loud. But recently, it seems that Minnesota actually has a better craft brewery scene than Wisconsin (though there are some cool craft brews there too.)
1) The Juicy Lucy - Yes, this incredible burger was founded here in Minnesota. And whether you claim the 58 Club or Matt's Bar as the best (I gotta give this one to Matt's), even national food critics rave about this cheese-stuffed burger.
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