Steele Co.Road Closures Begin Monday
A number of road construction projects will begin next week resulting in road closures and lane closures. Starting Monday, August 19 26th Street to Highway 9 will be closed to thru traffic for 2 days to replace a culvert between the hospital and the airport. The highway will be open to businesses and local traffic up to the culvert work.
On Tuesday or Wednesday the Frontage Road West from 26th street to Highway 9 will close for 2 days to replace a culvert north of Let's Ride. The highway will be open to the culvert work.
Also on Monday, August 19 resurfacing of the bituminous pavement on Highways 9 and 23 will begin. The roads will be open but expect lane closures with flaggers .Part of the ongoing Highway 12 construction west of Medford will impact Highway 23 as that project will soon be starting to work to improve the intersection with storm sewer work and pavement widening. The road will be open but there will be lane closures and flaggers.
Construction is expected to be completed this fall.
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