Six Degrees of Separation – Happy Birthday Kevin Bacon
Mega-actor Kevin Bacon is celebrating his 60th Birthday on July 8th. This man has been in more movies than I can even think of, and he has done a great job in almost all of them. Because of his long career, there was a trivia game started that could link any actor in Hollywood to him, in 6 steps or less. He apparently was not overly thrilled when the game first started, but, now embraces it and has an organization that helps people get involved in charitable work, called
"ABOUT US was born out of a strong desire to create a lasting positive impact. Kevin Bacon wanted to give back and knew his brand could influence. Over the years, our philanthropic organization has grown from a celebrity experiment into a valuable and rewarding global project. What we’ve discovered along the way is that folks everywhere are looking for a way to feel connected. So, we’re harnessing that power of connection to support grassroots nonprofits and their often-overlooked social missions. Because at the end of the day, we’re all just six degrees from someone who really needs our help, and when we work together, we really can do a great deal of good."
As promised, I can also link myself to Kevin Bacon is 6 steps or less, and here is how:
Me--my daughter-- her great-aunt--Wil Wheaton-- Keifer Sutherland--Kevin Bacon
- Kevin Bacon and Keifer Sutherland starred together in "A Few Good Men" and "Flatliners"
- Keifer Sutherland starred with Wil Wheaton in "Stand By Me"
- Wil Wheaton's uncle married a woman from IA
- Wil's aunt by marriage is my ex's aunt
- My ex and I had my daughter in 1996.
- Me
So, now you see the connection, and almost anyone can make it, you don't need to be in the movie business. Just a little bit of fun trivia there. As a side note, I have not met Wil Wheaton, but I believe I met his aunt by marriage at a funeral. Can you link yourself to Kevin Bacon in 6 degrees or less?