Rice County Sheriff Says Be Careful Around Ice
While I was out for lunch today I visited with a elderly gentleman who said in over 50 years in the Faribault area he never saw ice on area lakes before Thanksgiving. Evidently Rice County Sheriff Troy Dunn has visited with some of those folks also because today he issued a news release requesting people be very careful. Below is the Sheriff's information.
"Use caution and common sense on the ice in Rice County"
"With the recent cold snap that has converged on us, we ask that everyone use extreme caution if you choose to go out onto frozen ice on our lakes, rivers and ponds. We do not recommend anyone venturing out onto the ice due to warmer weather in the daytime accompanied by stronger winds.
If you do make the conscious decision to go onto the ice, you are not only endangering your life but the lives of the rescuers asked to save you. Please take extra measures if you still choose to go onto the ice. Please consider wearing a float coat or a personal flotation device (PFD). Have ice picks easily accessible to assist you in exiting the cold water. Please let friends or family where you are going and when you plan on returning. Have a whistle to blow if you fall through and are fortunate enough to stay afloat to use it. Please let Mother Nature work a little longer on making some better and safer ice this winter."
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