Rice County Highway Department Announces Spring Load Restrictions
Some people say the first sign of spring is the siting of the first robin. For others it might be the announcement by the highway department about load restrictions.
It's a sure sign spring is on it's way. The Rice County Highway Department has announced Spring Load Restrictions on Rice County State Aid Highways and County roadways will go into effect at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, March 6, 2020.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation has issued a notice that Spring Load Restrictions on the state highway system in the south, southeast and metro frost zones go in to effect on Friday, March 6, 2020.
Ending dates for spring load restrictions are variable and based on how weather is affecting roadway strength.
The Spring Load Restriction map is posted on the Highway Department page of the Rice County website located at: www.co.rice.mn.us.
County Highway Engineer Dennis Luebbe announced the restrictions in a news release.