Rice County Commissioners Approve Nearly $700,000 Furniture Buy
The Rice County Board of Commissioners today unanimously approved a change order and gave the go ahead for a furniture purchase for the addition and renovation project of the Government Services Building in Faribault.
County Parks and Facilities Director Jake Rysavy asked commissioners for approval to purchase furniture for the project in the amount of $695,439.25. Rysavy explained, "This includes new office furniture and cubicles for the lower level and we will re-purpose our existing furniture for the upper level at this time. The existing conference room tables and chairs we will also re-purpose and additional tables and chairs will be purchased off a state contract once we figure out what we definitely need."
Rysavy added $800,000 has been budgeted for the furniture.
Commissioners also approved a change order in the amount of $125,185.87. Rysavy said the change order work included the, "Addition of duress alarms, roof and electrical changes, case work changes, some wall finishes, some patching work and also redoing the remaining portions of the parking lot that were not under contract."
Rysavy said with the change order the sum total for the project is, "7,430,781.75 (seven million 430 thousand 781 dollars and 75 cents).
County Administrator Sara Folstad pointed out with the numbers, "The project is still within the scope of what we thought was possible with moving the planned budget from the contingency over to the contractor."