Rain Delays Planting Again, Maybe the Rain Was Okay? [Listen]
Even though the around .4 inches of rain yesterday will prevent farmers from planting maybe the rain was very beneficial? Fortunately most of the corn is planted but I talked to a couple farmers in the area that are not finished planting corn yet. Some farmers are done planting beans too, while others have a lot of acres of beans to plant yet. So, why would another rain delay be welcome?
I am sure your remember the severe storms that moved through our area last Wednesday. The heavy rain and then very warm temperatures in the 90's formed a very hard crust in some soils, especially those with higher clay contents. The result, it would be very difficult for the corn and beans to break through the soil surface. Many farmers were thinking about running over the field with a rotary hoe to try and break up the crust. The rain was just enough to soften the soil surface and allow the corn and beans to emerge!
Earlier this week I called Jay Zielske Agronomist with Pioneer to talk about the heavy rains, warm temperatures and soil crusting. I also talked with Jay about how late the corn is getting planted compared to last year. Remember, there were farmers planting corn last spring a early April rather that early to mid-May this year. However, it is difficult to imagine but this spring we are ahead of last year in growing degree units. Click on the link and listen to Pioneer a=Agronomist Jay Zielske!
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