MOA’s Nickelodeon Universe Earns “Solid” Review [WATCH]
A new video by theme park-rating Youtube channel Airtime Productions has given Minnesota's Nickelodeon Universe a "solid" rating in a new video review.
I'll admit -- since moving to Minnesota five years ago I've taken the Mall of America and Nickelodeon Universe for granted. I remember hearing about the Mall of America as a kid growing up in Illinois -- a magical place way up near the North Pole filled with miles upon miles of stores, restaurants and entertainment. Of course, back then Nickelodeon Universe was (and always will be) Camp Snoopy. "One day," I promised myself, "I'm going to visit the Mall of America." I vaguely remember my first visit to MOA; I was in high school, and the boys basketball team I played on warmed the bench for traveled to Minnesota for a tournament. In between games we visited the Mall of America and even rode a couple of rides at Camp Snoopy. At the time, it lived up to my expectations, and I was beyond impressed. Now that I live in Minnesota, however, I rarely visit the mall or have reason to revisit Nickelodeon Universe.

Since 2017, Airtime Productions has been reviewing and rating roller coasters and theme parks in the form of high-quality, cinematic-style videos. Previous videos have featured Six Flags Great America, Walibi Belgium, Cedar Point and others. Now, the Airtime Productions crew have released their video review of Mall of America's Nickelodeon Universe.
"After over a year of waiting to visit a theme park, the wait was over," reads the video's narrator, "and I visited Nickelodeon Universe." Before getting to the review, the narrator offers some insight into the theme park for those who haven't visited before.
"This indoor amusement park contains five roller coasters...the park isn't too big. It only has an area of seven acres. In those seven acres, the roller coasters include Gerstlaur Eurofighter, Intamin Halfpipe, a Gerstlaur spinning coaster and a Zierer family coaster."
Overall, the narrator says the coasters are "solid" -- not "too stand-out" but "fun" and "enjoyable." The video also gives nods to the park's vibrant colors, cleanliness and trees.
The most impressive part of the video is the cinematography; it's filmed and produced as a high-quality, cinematic experience that really makes Nickelodeon Universe look and feel like a place worth visiting. Give the video a watch for yourself above.
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