Minnesota And Wisconsin Must Be “Bear Aware” This Summer
People weren't going outside for the longest time, with COVID, many people stayed indoors.
So, when the season was right the animals roamed more and closer to the city. This meant more bears were going near garbage and homes. People were posting on Facebook and other social media with pictures of Bears coming right up to the house and streets.
Then when people went outdoors and started hiking and biking on the trails, more and more bears were coming near people. People also reported bears coming up to campsites and helping themselves with food. All because people weren't there for a while so these animals were used to going where they wanted.
The thing is people can share the outdoors with bears by paying attention to where and when they are most likely to encounter bears. There is a web campaign Be Bear Aware, and they have some tips. The website says black bears are naturally cautious animals that avoid human contact for their safety.
On the website, it says people have to be more aware because bears are not invading our space, at least that's how the bears feel. Also, don't get in a conflict with a bear, let them do their business. This includes being proactive to avoid startling bears and securing potential food sources.
KTVQ says there have been three encounters with bears in Yellowstone, with campsites and hikers. They are on high security there and are warning people to be very aware not to entice bears or taunt them.
You can learn more about how to safely get along with bears and other animals in Minnesota on the DNR website