Love Handles to Reunite for the Steele County Fair
Fabulous news for local music fans. The Steele County Fair announces in their July 1, 2019 edition of the Barker that the Fabulous Love Handles will reunite to perform on the opening night of the fair. "It has been a tradition to have the Love Handles perform on the opening night and we are very pleased that we are able to do so again this year."
The Barker reports Mike Chinander moved to Oregon last year and the Love Handles haven't performed together since. Chinander will return to Owatonna for this year's fair. The group will take the United Prairie Stage in Fair Square Park on Tuesday, August 13 at 7:30 pm. A flag raising ceremony will open at fair at 5 pm that day followed by the Owatonna Community Band at 6 pm.
In other news, The fair board is accepting donations to help fund a memorial bench in honor of fair secretary Jim Gleason who passed away due to cancer this year. Contributions can be sent to the fair at PO Box 650, Owatonna MN 55060. Gleason served as the fair secretary for nearly a decade.
The Elmer Reseland Stage will feature the Moogician, Norm's Magic and James Wedgewood. The stage is just outside the 4-H exhibit building in the Townsquare area of the fairgrounds just north of the Four Seasons Centre.
The Steele County Free Fair runs August 13-18, 2019. Visit their home page for more details.
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