Faribault Rotary Tree Planting Project
Dr. Richard Houston was Gordy's guest on AM Minnesota on Friday.
They will be talking about planting trees that the third graders at Jefferson Elementary are involved in. Some kids in the class will be able to plant trees at their home. 20 trees will be planted at the school, and some will be planted at Dr. Houston's farm on May15th.
Kids will get to see how much that trees Dr. Houston has planted on his farm in the past have grown.
The types of trees they are planting are Northeren Red Oak, Red Maple, Honey Locust and Aspen.
On the show Dr. Houston also hays some good types for planting trees.
The Faribault Rotary and some other local businesses chipping in on this project as well.
If you missed the show check back later in the day for the show here.