The Drag-on's Car Club in Faribault plans to start their weekly car cruises this week. The cruises will begin at 6p, and will take those involved throughout the area, with drive-by's of area assisted living homes, parks, and by some schools. All you need is a car and a positive mental attitude. 

Image Credit: TSM/Paul Shea
Image Credit: TSM/Paul Shea

In a post to their Facebook page the Drag-On's will start their weekly cruising this week, on Thursday June 2nd, and they plan on taking off from Faribault's Harley Davidson dealership.

This coming Thursday, June 2nd, we meet for our first weekly cruise at Faribault Harley Davidson. We will begin at 6pm. This cruise will be very much like past years` weekly cruises. We will continue to drive by local assisted living homes, through a couple of parks, and through a couple of schools. Easy to follow directions when you arrive. The cruise takes about one hour. Everyone is welcome.

The cruises are expected to take about an hour in total and the sruises will be a regular occurrence.

The mission of the car club, according to their Facebook page is:

To educate club members and the public about classic and vintage cars by generating excitement and interest in learning about car history, engineering, maintenance, repair, restoration and performance. 

The car club has been cruising the area for the last several years, and during the height of the pandemic, the group was often seen during the birthday parades throughout the Faribault area, as well as organizing drive-by's of area assisted living communities, in an effort to cheer-up those residents who were stuck inside for months.

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