Yes! Holidazzle is back this year and it is here for a whole 4 weeks in Loring Park in Minneapolis and will feature old traditions and new attractions.

Starting Friday, November 25th till Sunday December 18th Holidazzle will take place every Friday through Sunday until the 18th!

If you have heard of Holidazzle but don’t really know what it is, the city explains it on the website quite well. They state that

Holidazzle is an mpls downtown holiday tradition that creates a community gathering place and holiday destination for people of all ages to come together and celebrate winter. Holidazzle focuses on featuring local people, places and products that showcase the local food and art scenes, active lifestyle, local entertainers, and community groups that make our city and region unique and special.


I remember when I was little my mom would take me every other year or so to see the Holidazzle parade it was such a fun time as a kid, so now I am excited to attend it as an adult.

This year there are many events going on. In an article from, events include “over 30 food and shopping vendors, art exhibits, visits from Santa, fireworks and more. New attractions will include roller skating, giveaways, and visits from local dog rescue organizations.”

Not only this but it is noted that “Food vendors include Kramarczuk’s, The Littlest Pancake, Fair Faves, ipierogi, Heavenly Feast Bar-B-Que, KCM Eggrolls, Blue Tin Cup Kafe, Youinverse Waffle, Los Traviesos tacos y tortas, Meson By Hector Ruiz, Dough Gold, Corn Hole and Root to Rise,” continues Bring Me The News.

Every Friday will have an A Capella group sing-off leading to the championship on Dec. 16, and then there will be a fireworks display each Saturday at 7:15 p.m. Holidazzle hours are Fridays from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m. Saturdays from noon until 9 p.m. Sundays from noon until 6 p.m.

Parking for Holidazzle is assigned to The Mpls College Parking Ramp and is only $5, or you can get a ride from Metro Transit. For more information visit the Holidazzle website!

All information is credit to, and the article from

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