An Open Letter to Gov. Walz About Graduations and Opening Businesses
Governor Walz,
I do not envy the job you have. I know you are listening to the health care professionals when making your decisions and fully understand the enormity of COVID-19. I also know you value all lives. So do I.
I lost the man I considered to be my best friend in Faribault to this pandemic. The only death in Rice County so far caused by the virus. It's crazy sad. We will no longer go on international trips together or share our favorite Bible verses. Go to Twins games together and share our baseball memories.
But we can no more protect everyone from getting COVID-19 than we can protect every person driving down the road or walking on a slippery sidewalk. We must trust those who have underlying medical conditions and the more susceptible populations will stay home. We actually want healthy people to get a mild form of the virus to build some immunity.
Meanwhile, Minnesotans have a proven track record when it comes to caring for each other. It's one of the reasons we are among the highest taxed states.
Governor Walz, I don't understand the cookie-cutter approach to graduations. Encouraging virtual graduations for all schools.
Maybe you don't want smaller schools to have a more traditional experience because of their size advantage in this case.
We have some pretty innovative people in towns small and large across the state who are able to come up with ways to honor the Class of 2020 while practicing social distancing.
Faribault Bethlehem Academy has 33 seniors. Faribault High School over 280.
The two obviously need to approach graduation differently. They are very aware of that.
Governor Walz, please trust your fellow citizens to do graduations and open their businesses with social distancing in mind. Like at the two events I attended over the last few days:
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