Go Big Or Go Home, 17 Vehicles Stolen From MN Dealership
They say there is a fine line between courage and stupidity. I don't think these people were stupid because this was no small time crime.
According to WCCO, three masked men broke into Luther Brookdale Doge and mad off with 5 vehicles. Pretty good haul, right? Well, evidently not big enough for these guys.

“We believe Saturday night based video they came in with three of them they left with about five vehicles they were able to shuttle out of there and I don’t know if greed got to them because they came back with five or six accomplices and went at it again,” said Deputy Chief Mark Bruley.
That's right, they came back for more.12 more to be exact. It was all caught on video. “17 cars at this point is what we believe is missing,” said Bruley.
So far, police have one person in custody and have accounted for five of the stolen vehicles. The person they have in custody was found by Minneapolis police slumped over the steering wheel of one of the stolen vehicles and had multiple key fabs in his possession.
“They tried to make contact with that individual and he started ramming into their police cars and they took him into custody. They found out he was in a stolen vehicle and he had a bunch of key fobs from Brookdale Luther in Brooklyn Park,” Bruley said.
The other 4 vehicles recovered were found parked in random neighborhoods around the metro.
Now, the emphasis is to find the thieves responsible for this bold act of auto theft and the still missing 12 vehicles.
“If you see a brand new vehicle, Jeep and it has no plates on it, especially if it’s parked on the side of the road or in an unusual place we are asking you to call 911,” Bruley said.
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