Getting a New Social Security Card
I don't know how it happened, one day it was there, and then the next time I went looking for it, it was gone. I'm talking about my social security card. It has been missing for who knows how long. I did not have it in my wallet since the SSA recommends that you NOT keep it there, that you keep it somewhere safe. Obviously, my hiding place was more than sufficient, since I can't find it now.
I have moved since I last saw the card, and well, even after packing and unpacking, no dice. I have no idea what box or file cabinet it may be in, so, I called the Social Security Administration in order to figure out what I need to do to replace said card. Tip, if you can find the number for one of the local offices, there's one in Austin and one in Rochester, call them. I was told over an hour hold time calling their main number. I called the office in Austin, I was on hold for no longer than 5 minutes.
All in all this was a very easy process, I went to the SSA website, printed out their application for a new card, filled it out, and then took it in to the Austin office, with my ID, and that was it. I did have to swear that the information I was giving was true, but, it was pretty much painless.
The big takeaway from this is, if you have to deal with any governmental agency, be patient and know that they are most likely wanting to help you as much as you need their help. In about two weeks I should have my replacement card, and I just know that once it comes, I will come across the card I misplaced in some box.
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