Former Rochester Nurse Donates Life-Saving Kidney to Co-Worker
It's always amazing to hear about living donors who literally give part of themselves to someone who needs it. It's such a selfless act but that's exactly what a former Mayo Clinic nurse did for a co-worker in Rochester, MN.
I have the little thing on my license that says 'Donor' in case something happens to me where I pass but some of my organs are still in good condition. I don't need them, take them and give them to someone who can use it! I think being a donor is very important but being a living donor, I feel like, is another level.
Former Mayo Clinic Nurse Donates Kidney
This former Mayo nurse, Sara Kollman, had a co-worker at Mayo named Jean Shue. During their time working together the co-workers soon because close friends. So when Sara heard that Jean would need a kidney at some point in the next few years, KIMT says Sara's response was "'sign me up, where do I go? What do I need to do?'"
Sara eventually moved to Colorado for a new job. Then she got the call the Jean needed a new kidney. Sara's offer was still open and they were so happy to learn that they had the same blood type. Sara was able to be Jean's donor just like she had promised.

It has now been 5 months since the procedure and they're both fully recovered. They hope that their story will spread the word about being a living donor and that more people will consider doing it. KIMT says that about "17 people die every day waiting for an organ transplant".
If you're interested in learning more about being a living donor, Mayo Clinic has lots of info for you to check out.
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