Faribault DFL Caucus Most Diverse Attendance Ever
The DFL Caucuses in Faribault had about 50 people in attendance tonight. In speaking with some of the participants who have attended for decades they were excited to see a diverse group of people in attendance.
Many Somalians and Latinos came out to participate in the grassroots politics touted by DFL Caucus organizers. Numerous resolutions were passed by the various precincts. Too many to mention all here but a few that may be of interest include:
- Land Stewardship Action Fund Resolution calling for the "Minnesota Legislature and Governor to provide $12 million dollars per biennium in long-term base funding to the University of Minnesota's Forever Green Initiative. The Initiative is developing profitable perennial and winter annual groups that build soil health, clean our water and sequester carbon."
It was brought before the Caucuses by landstewardship.org. They explained, "As Minnesota farmers continue to battle extreme weather and climate change, floods and drought, and unpredictable and low paying markets, building resilient and profitable cropping systems is more needed now more than ever. Forever Green, an initiative at the University of Minnesota , is developing cover crops and perennial crops that thrive in our climate, decrease erosion, build soil health, suppress weeds, control pests and diseases, improve water quality, and more. Some of these crops can be grazed as well. The program is also developing profitable markets for these crops, which include Minnesota-based companies and local small businesses."
- 100% Renewable Electricity by 2030. "The Minnesota DFL supports requiring all Minnesota utilities to provide 100% renewable electricity (prioritizing community-owned wind and solar, and excluding trash incineration) to all customer segments by 2030."
- Data Protection for all GDPR. "The DFL seek an international General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) equivalent and matching the European Union's standard."
- Equitable Public School Funding. "Create racial, socioeconomic and geographic equity by supporting adequate and equitable public education funding for all Minnesota communities so that it does not rely on local tax levies."
- Advancing Full Immigration Justice in Minnesota. "The DFL will pass an Immigrant Bill of Rights for ALL Immigrants which will: Include driver's licenses for immigrants. Make Minnesota a sanctuary state. Provide full access to ALL public benefits for ALL Minnesotans (including Childcare Assistance funds and MinneotaCare public healthcare assistance to individuals with low income). Provide paid family and medical leave. Provide earned sick and safe time (paid sick days)" Supportive points for the resolution state, "More than 8% of Minnesota's population is made up of immigrants who are an integral part of our state's economy. To truly welcome our immigrant neighbors we must have a democracy and politics that boldly advances the full human dignity of all Minnesotans, regardless of immigration status."
- Green New Deal. "The Minnesota DFL supports the federal Green New Deal goals of ending greenhouse gas emissions; establishing millions of high-wage jobs and ensuring economic security for all; investing in sustainable and affordable housing and transportation for all; securing clean air and water, climate and community resiliency, healthy food, access to nature, and a sustainable environment for all; promoting justice and equity with a ten-year mobilization effort."
After the DFL Caucus concluded at the Faribault Middle School Cafeteria I met a young woman who plans to run for the Minnesota House seat currently held by Brian Daniels of Faribault. She wants to file the necessary paperwork before doing an interview about her decision to run.
I couldn't resist taking a picture of this sign on one of the tables announcing the precinct meeting there.

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