For those who have not yet received a COVID-19 vaccination and were waiting for a one-and-done solution, Waseca County Public Health has announced a drive-up vaccination clinic this week at two locations in the county. Both New Richland and Waldorf will host the clinics this week, with no preregistration required.

Waseca County Public Health sent out notices about the drive-up clinics this morning that will be offering up Johnson & Johnson vaccines at both locations Wednesday, June 9th.

The New Richland location will be distributing the vaccine in the New Richland School parking lot from 10am to Noon, and then again in Waldorf at the Waldorf South End Bar from 1-3pm. The vaccination drive-ups are only for those 18 and older.

According to the CDC 5.5 million vaccination doses have been given so far in Minnesota. 2.9 million individuals have gotten one does in Minnesota and out of that number the Minnesota Department of Health 8,461 people in Waseca County have gotten at least one shot of COVID-19 vaccine.

For those who may have questions about the drive-up clinic, you can contact Waseca County Public Health at 507-835-0656.

READ MORE: Inspiring Minnesota Stories From the Coronavirus Pandemic


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