Don’t Worry About Praying Mantis Eggs In Your Christmas Tree In Minnesota
Recently there has been a post working its way around social media about a 'pine cone' looking growth on a Christmas tree. The post warns you that you should cut that growth off because it's not a pine cone but hundreds of Praying mantis eggs that could hatch! Well fellow Minnesotans, have to fear our climate is much too cold for those eggs to even survive.
The post says this about that walnut-sized pile of eggs "If you happen to see a walnut-sized/shaped egg mass, on your Christmas tree, don't fret, clip the branch and put it in your garden. These are 100-200 Praying mantis eggs!" a post on the Erie County Facebook page read. "Don't bring them inside they will hatch and starve!"
Science Buzz stated that our winter temps just become too cold for the egg cases to survive outdoors over the winter. You can find other Praying mantis information here.
So unless you got your tree in Ohio, Iowa, or Illinois and shipped it here in a warm container you've got nothing to worry about.
If you cut down your own tree, maybe you have a Griswold moment instead, in that case, get yourself a Cousin Eddie.

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