8 Quirky Things About Living in Rochester, Minnesota

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Every town has something that makes it different, makes it stand out from the rest. These differences are what make a town unique and quirky! So I started to think, 'What are some things that are quicky about Rochester, Minnesota? What makes Rochester different from everywhere else?' After some brainstorming, I came up with my own list of 8 quirky things about living in Rochester!
If you come up with any other quirks about Rochester that you like, share them with me by chatting on our free app or messaging me on my Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram (@carlyrossonair).
8 Quirky Things About Living in Rochester, Minnesota
The differences between every town are what makes each town unique and quirky! Here are 8 quirky things about living in Rochester, Minnesota.
12 Celebrities Who Have Been Patients at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota
When you are one of the best hospitals in the world, you are going to attract some celebrities. The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota has seen quite a few throughout its history.