4 Colors to Avoid Wearing in Minnesota Unless You Love Mosquitos
Ah, life in Minnesota! Where we get about 3 days of nice weather in the spring before the mosquitos start leaving itchy welts all over our bodies. I know that these pesky insects are a nuisance all over the midwest, and I just found out a tip that might help us all avoid the welt of a mosquito bite this summer.
Skip These 4 Colors if You Want Mosquitos to Stay Away From You
I am going to have to change out my entire wardrobe because all I have for the summer are black capris and shorts. Unfortunately, black is one color that has been found to attract mosquitos. That's not the only color though that the University of Washington discovered as some of the worst to wear if you aren't a fan of mosquito bites. Here's the list to avoid in case you hate mosquito bites too:
#1 - Red
#2 - Orange
#3 - Cyan
#4 - Black
4 Colors You SHOULD Wear That Mosquitos Aren't Attracted to
Now that you need to buy a new wardrobe, here are the colors you should try to find that mosquitos don't swarm to:

#1 - Green
#2 - Purple
#3 - Blue
#4 - White
“One of the most common questions I’m asked is ‘What can I do to stop mosquitoes from biting me?’ “I used to say there are three major cues that attract mosquitoes: your breath, your sweat and the temperature of your skin. In this study, we found a fourth cue: the color red, which can not only be found on your clothes, but is also found in everyone’s skin. The shade of your skin doesn’t matter, we are all giving off a strong red signature. Filtering out those attractive colors in our skin, or wearing clothes that avoid those colors, could be another way to prevent a mosquito biting.” - Professor Jeffrey Riffell, University of Washington
Read more about this study the University of Washington did at outbreaknewstoday.com.