12 Steps to Dealing With Your Girl Scout Cookie Addiction
Girl Scout cookie season is upon us, one of our favorite times of year! But if you're troubled by your astonishing appetite for the sweet treats, we’ve come up with a 12-step program to get you through the worst of it.
Apologies to Alcoholics Anonymous for corrupting their 12 steps.
- Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts 1Admit
... you are powerless before the cookies, and eat another box.
- Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts 2Believe
... that Girl Scout cookies are a power greater than yourself and that they can restore you to sanity, so you eat another box.
- Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts 3Decide
... to show stronger willpower, but starting tomorrow, because you want to eat another box right now.
- Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts 4Buy
After an inventory of your remaining cookie stash, buy a few more boxes.
- Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts 5Accept
... that the purchase of three boxes of Lemonades was wrong; you should have gotten more S’mores.
- Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts 6Resolve
... that the Lemonades must be removed, so eat all three boxes.
- Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts 7Ask
Humbly ask your local Girl Scout if she has any more Thin Mints.
- Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts 8Thank
Make a list of people you appreciate but may not acknowledge as you should, and give them each a box of Thanks-a-Lots.
- Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts 9Purchase
... a few boxes of Caramel Delites and Peanut Butter Sandwiches to share with your co-workers. Don’t forget a box of gluten-free Trios for the health-conscious colleague down the hall.
- Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts 10Check
... your inventory again, this time focusing on getting more Peanut Butter Patties and Shortbreads.
- Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts 11Seek
... through the haze of your sugar high, to improve your connection with your local Girl Scout Troop to ensure a steady supply of cookies.
- Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts 12Rush
After you crash from your sugar high, rush out to purchase even more boxes, this time making sure to hide some deep in the freezer and labeled for removal in a few months. Because, if a Girl Scout cookie addiction is your biggest problem, is that so bad?
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