10 Thoughts All Minnesotans Have The Day After The Super Bowl
Happy National 'I Should Have Taken Today Off Of Work Day'. No, it's not a real holiday, we made it up. However, I'm guessing you're probably wishing you would have called in sick today--you were probably up late for a boring game. Here are 10 thoughts all Minnesotans have the day after the Super Bowl.

1. I wish I would have taken today off from work.
2. The Super Bowl needs to move to a Saturday.
3. I ate way too much last night. This one is true. You did.
4. I drank too much last night. You probably did. You should have taken the morning off.
5. I'm starting that diet today...errr...after all the Super Bowl leftovers are gone. I mean, there's a lot of protein in chicken wings. It's basically like a meat salad.
6. Are the Vikings EVER going to go to a Super Bowl?! It's one of life's biggest questions, in line with, 'why are we here?'
7. I don't care what it costs...if the Vikings are ever in the Super Bowl I'm going...even if I need to sell my house. I'm not joking.
8. Tom Brady won again. Yep, and the Vikings haven't even done it once.
9. I'm going to keep letting the crock pots soak throughout today. (Let's be honest, they probably don't need more soaking. You're just too tired to scrub them out today.)
10. Wait, did I unplug all of the crock pots and power strips? I should probably go home and check...and take a nap.
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