I saw this morning that The Weiner mobile is looking for Hotdoggers once again; meaning; if you have a degree in Marketing, and would like to drive around the country for one year, meeting and greeting people at 200 plus events, you can have this on your resume.  I think it actually pays pretty well, and sounds like a pretty fun gig.

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In addition to that, there are other careers that sound pretty fun; as long as you have the gumption to get off your butt and make things happen.  There was a long list at Moneywise.com. Have you ever thought of becoming:


Who doesn't like to play with Lego's?  Well...okay...I can't remember the last time I actually played with Lego's, but one of my sons LOVES to build Star Wars Legos and has a whole wall displaying his accomplishments. Quitting your job and trying to become a Lego Pro, might be taking it to a whole other level. Lego Masters make about $37,500 a year.


Heck ya! The dreams of drinking beer all day while making some delicious concoctions sounds like a blast; but beware. Successful Brewers are not typically drinking beer all day long, as many people think. They have a lot to consider, and being sloshed probably isn't going to get the job done. However; if you can find a happy medium you could make a nice $50,000 a year; possibly lots more.


This also sounds like a really fun job. Just sit and color all day! Well...not quite. If you're really good at drawing, working with graphics on computers and maybe want to be a Freelancer, you could make a pretty nice salary of around  $48,000 a year.  Motivation, as with most of these 'fun' jobs, is key.  If you have raw talent, you can develop your talents with a 1-2 year degree, and start living your dream.


I always thought that my kids would totally be up for this. However; playing games and creating games are two different things. But if you like working with computers, you could make close to $70,000 a year.


I think this just might be my next career; well; maybe not. If I could choose the types of food I want to critique, I'd be in. If you're going to make me eat things like Octopus and Eel, maybe I better leave this to the professionals. However, Food Critics do pretty well, making around $80,000 a year.

Before you jump ship and abandon the job you have, ask yourself; are these jobs really all they're cracked up to be?  Sometimes the security of having a great job, is just enough to not have to deal with the stress of wondering where your next pay check is coming from.


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