Working Wife Outraged After Husband Sends Her Angry Texts Complaining About Watching His Own Kids
The Mumsnet community is criticizing an overwhelmed dad after he fired off a series of dramatic texts to his wife to complain about watching their children while she was at work.
The baffled woman thinks her husband is being selfish but doesn't know how to fix the problem.
In her post, the anonymous woman shared her husband is "clearly resenting the loss of his child-free summer holidays."
She explained that before they had children, her husband, who works as a teacher, "would be free to please himself for the whole six weeks."
"I am getting several messages a day about how much the [DearChildren] are pissing him off and winding him up and how he hates his life," she wrote. "I know what it's like. I have looked after the [DearChildren] by myself several days a week while I was on [maternity] leave."
The wife added "[DearHusband] has let them get to him way too much and has worked himself up into an absolute rage."
"I've been considering going home early today to take over as [DearHusband] is not handling it well at all," she continued, adding: "[Am I Being Unreasonable] to think that [DearHusband] should just suck it up?"
In the comments section, Mumsnet users were just as mystified as the frustrated wife, with many comments slamming the dad for not being able to "handle" the situation alone.
"No one comes to 'rescue' us. Tell him he'll have to find a way to manage and adapt," one user commented.
"I would have no patience with [DearHusband] in this situation. It's a bonus he's a teacher as you only have to pay for term-time childcare. Tell him to suck it up and get a grip," someone else wrote.
"He is basically threatening your children's safety and/or mental health if you do not stop work and do all the childcare so he can sit on the sofa and be a child too. He 'hates his life?' He's 'in an absolute rage'? They 'p--s him off'? What a dismal experience for those poor kids. And he knows he's holding their well-being over your head. I wouldn't tolerate a man who cannot competently and lovingly parent his children," a different user weighed in.
"For goodness sake, don't go home early and rescue him. Talk about making a rod for your own back!! He has children. He needs to look after them. Tough s--t," another commented.
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