WI Bars Brace For Big Crowds On New Year’s Eve
Ever since Minnesota bars were forced to close down due to the pandemic bars in Wisconsin have seen a surge in customers from Minnesota. In this area with Duluth being a border town with Superior it is not anything new for people to be back and forth all the time including going to bars, but this New Years might be a little different.
For revelers who don't want to stay home on New Years Eve they will have to go to Superior to ring in 2021. Izzy's Bar is right across the bridge in Superior which makes this a popular place to stop according to the staff, because people can hop right back on the bridge to return to Duluth.
Jessica Horn is a bartender at Izzy's and said that she also bartends in Duluth and said she feels bad for her fellow employees at the Duluth bar because they have been out of work for the last month. To prepare for the possible larger crowd they have ordered extra liquor and will have drink specials as well. They also are taking extra precautions to try and make sure everyone is safe.
Brittney Young a bartender at The Top Hat in Superior said:
We’re going to have extra staff on hand. We don’t want anyone person struggling to try to do everything by themselves or keeping the bar sanitized and clean. Have a good new year, be safe, and do what you can to stay safe and protect other people too.

The Superior Police Department will be adding extra staff and patrols throughout the entire city with extra focus on the North End of Superior where a majority of the bars and restaurants are located.
Speaking from experience and many New years Eve's out on the town the key is pace yourself it can be a long night, watch out for each other and 100 percent have a designated driver, take an Uber or cab. Plan ahead bar rush is not a good time to call for a cab, try to leave before bar close so you can get home safely and not be stuck standing outside in the cold waiting for your ride. Here is to a great new year ahead hopefully 2021 will be better than ever.
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