We’re No.1 And That Ain’t Good
According to the new website DoctorsReport.com and their mobile app we Minnesotans are facing a rough flu season. The web site gathers data from almost one million doctors' offices from across the nation. In their latest listing for influenza hot spots, Minneapolis-St. Paul, and Bloomington are tied for first in severity of the flu. The Twin Cities along with the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia areas of North and South Carolina both register a 9.5 on the 10 point scale with 10 being the most severe. The New York City, Atlanta and Cincinnati areas round out the top 5.
The new website receives data from doctors' offices and is cycled automatically and continually. It also tracks a total of 15 major disease. When the 55060 zip code was entered it showed a severity rating of 6.5. Fairly high but below that of the Twin Cities.
The site also has data for the Flu A which is a different category of influenza. In that report the Twin Cities ranks 4th highest in the country with a severity rate of 6.5. The Miami area is ranked most severe at 8.5.The Owatonna area shows a read of 3.5 in this category.
While the flu shot is showing less than spectacular results this season, getting a shot does lessen the severity. Flu shots are available on a walk in basis 8-4PM weekdays at Steele County Public Health.