WATCH: Minnesota Man Has Wild Experience Trying To Pull Icehouse On Lake Of The Woods
The video of a Minnesota fishing guide pulling an icehouse off the ice at Lake Of The Woods with a ton of water plowing up in front of the icehouse as he attempted to pull it off the ice.
Eric Best is a fishing guide at Wheelers Point Resort just outside of Baudette on Lake of the Woods in Northern Minnesota. He posted a video on a Lake Of The Woods Facebook Page. The video was taken from the passenger side of the truck, and it was reported that the water was up to the doors of the truck. Best said the ice on the lake was over 3 feet thick and the water is from melted snow on top of the ice.
The video has already gone viral with over 3,000 shares in one day. A video like this shows just how dangerous ice conditions can be this time of year, and Best does this for a living and seemed a little shook pulling the ice house.

Best said in an e-mail to Bring Me The News:
I’ve seen some people [comment] bashing, like always, saying we should have had the house off a long time ago, this and that. The truth is, we’re allowed to have houses out until the end of this month and the condition of our road was nothing like that a day prior.
The ice road that they were on was near Baudette, Best said that about half of the mile-long road was filled with water but the rest of the road was fine. Best went on to say standing water like this is nerve-racking to drive through but happens like this every year. Good to know that they made it off the lake safely.
Heads up - there is some salty language in the video.
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