Tour Minnesota’s ‘7 Wonders’ This Summer
You've probably heard of the '7 Wonders of the World' in your 4th grade history class or maybe even on the Discovery Channel. This is kind of like that, only it's all in Minnesota.
The Land of 10,000 Lakes is a beautiful place of nature and mystery. If you enjoy both of those things, there's a road trip that'll be right up your alley.
The website Only In Our State put together a fantastic road trip that'll take you to 'Minnesota's 7 wonders'. You actually don't have to travel THAT far go get to all of these destinations. It's roughly 250 miles, according to their website. You could easily pull this trip off in a weekend, or maybe even a day trip if you're able to hustle a bit.

The trip will focus on our northern neighbors. That's why the first destination is the Jay Cook State Park. You can watch the St. Louis River flow through a gorge. Your Instagram will love this stop.
Gooseberry Falls is the second stop on the list. We've got one word for you, #Waterfalls. Buckle up for this one, it's gonna be gorgeous.
Next up is Split Rock Lighthouse State Park. Wowzah! If you've ever needed the perfect backdrop for an engagement photo or perhaps romantic night out--this is the place to go.
Black Beach is our 4th destination. It's literally a beach with black sand and beautiful rock cliffs surrounding it. Do we need to say more? With heat in the 90's you'll thank us for this one.
Alright, now we're making progress! We're halfway through the trip with Tettegouche State Park. According to Only In Our State, it's got the tallest waterfall in Minnesota. Say whaaaat?! That's awesome. If you've got a mad fear of heights...don't look down.
#6 is the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. When I was a kid my parents would take us camping in this area and it was just breathtaking.
And, for the grand finale the road trip will take you to Voyageurs National Park. It's the only national park in our state.
And, that's it, folks. Of course, there are so many other beautiful places to explore in Minnesota. Once you're done with this trip, you've got the fun of planning your next one!
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