This Minnesota Company Put Up A Weird Statue At It’s World Headquarters
Take a moment to think of an object that unifies a family. Some might go with a Bible, others may pick something electronic like a TV, and others still might have an object that stands out to them/their family as a unifying object. What about the common fork? I mean we all eat, right? Maybe we don't always make it a habit of eating as a unit, but I'm sure you've got memories of eating as a family. One Minnesota company has taken the everyday object that is a fork, actually thousands of them, and turned it into a 25-foot-tall symbol of unity for not only its company but also the fork stands for the employees that work there. I'm talking about the one and only Minnesota-made Hormel Foods.
The fork was made by a California artist that strangely enough has Hormel ties without anyone knowing at the time, you can read about that odd Minnesota connection here, is made up of thousands of 'normal' forks welded to a metal frame.
According to the Hormel website, the sculpture is "made from nearly 20,000 forks donated by Hormel Foods team members from throughout the world...The company put a call out to team members to send in all manner of forks “for a future surprise.”"
It was dedicated last week in Austin during Hormel Foods Hometown Celebration that took place throughout the city. Not only did the sculpture, named The Power of Food, get dedicated, but there were also concerts and other activities that took place throughout the week.
(Now many from the land of 10,000 lakes will know Austin is also home to another quirky place, the SPAM Museum.)
You can learn more about the fork, Hormel, and of course, all things SPAM by heading to the company's website.
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