There Are Some Weird Laws STILL on the Books in Minnesota
There are some crazy laws that are still on the books. And some of these you just gotta figure are still there just because no one has bothered to contest it and say that it is just that- dumb, crazy and no longer relevant.
I think we've all heard about that stupid hamburger law for St. Cloud. That law supposedly says that we are not allowed to eat a hamburger on Sundays. That law is no longer there, or it isn't enforced. And now, since the alcohol law has been changed, we can buy beer to go along with the formerly illegal hamburger consumption.
But there are some other crazy things. I guess there is a 10 cent ... yeah, 10 CENT bounty on any rat head you bring into a town office. Yeah, hard pass on that one. Totally not worth it.

There is also a law that says that growing Japanese Barberry could get you some jail time. HUH?? As of 2018, they are considered restricted noxious weeds. I'm not even sure I have even seen any of these things.
Did you know that before 2015, it was illegal for nursing homes and senior centers to host Bingo more than 2 days a week? C'mon! What else do they do? Ok, that might be stereotypical. But at least now that has been reversed.
Here's one that seems more like common sense than a law. You can not drive your car in neutral in Minnesota. A- why would you? B- can you "drive" your car when it's in neutral? That's just downright confusing.
And finally - it's illegal to harbor a dirty threshing machine in Minnesota. What? First of all, I'm not even sure what that is, and secondly, why does it matter? Do you need to clean them like you do a boat before going to another lake?? I don't get it.
Here's to dumb laws! Let's get rid of them.
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