The Play Ball Minnesota Twins youth baseball and softball clinic hits Owatonna's Manthey Park on Saturday, June 24. It's free and participants will leave with prizes.
Youth 1st will be offering their Baseball and Barbeque fund raiser Thursday, April 20, and Friday, April 21, at Cashwise Foods Owatonna. Youth 1st stresses sportsmanship among young athletes. Last year 146 teams were recognized in Minnesota for good sportsmanship...
This is one of those events I look forward to -- the Youth 1st Baseball and Barbecue. It's coming up Thursday, April 20, and Friday, April 21, at Cash Wise Foods of Owatonna. Hours will be 11AM to 7PM both days. Enjoy a full rack of ribs for $10 or the meal deal, which consists of ribs, two sides, cookie and drink for $8...
Members of the Steele County Blades junior hockey team spent some of their recent time off serving the community. The team is looking for additional opportunities to do more.
There will be a Holiday Wine and Beer tasting benefit Youth 1st this Thursday, November 3, from 5:30-7:30PM at the Michaelson Funeral Home in Owatonna. Tickets are available now at Michaelson's, Cedar Floral, Sparetime Entertainment and Cashwise Foods for $10...
Owatonna youth baseball and fast pitch softball teams will among those to parade around Target Field on Thursday and Friday before the Twins play the White Sox.
Youth 1st will conduct a fundraiser this Thursday, August 11, and Friday, August 12, at Cash Wise Foods in Owatonna. From 11AM to 7PM both days they'll be offering a full rack of ribs for $10 and the meal deal for $8. The meal consists of half a rack of ribs, sweet corn, beans and a drink...
Cabela's of Owatonna hosts their annual Summer Bash on Saturday, August 6, from 10AM to 2PM. Youth 1st and Owatonna Parks and Recreation are also promoting their event.