8 Tips for Avoiding Car Theft8 Tips for Avoiding Car TheftI feel like every time I open a news website there is a headline about a vehicle being stolen in Minnesota.AbbeyAbbey
What It’s Like to Work at the Mall of America on Black FridayWhat It’s Like to Work at the Mall of America on Black FridayWhen I was going to college in Mendota Heights, I thought it was a good idea to work part-time at Spencer's in the Mall of America. AbbeyAbbey
I Spotted and Reported a UFO in Sauk RapidsI Spotted and Reported a UFO in Sauk RapidsI was looking up admiring the stars, looking toward the north sky and suddenly a really bright star started moving. AbbeyAbbey
Fact Check: I Got the Alleged Sex Trafficking Text MessageFact Check: I Got the Alleged Sex Trafficking Text MessageA couple of days prior I had seen a screenshot of a similar message circling social media saying that this message was being used as a way to sex traffic people. AbbeyAbbey