Southeast Minnesota Teacher Goes Live About the Struggles of Teaching During COVID (WATCH)

Missed games and concerts, virtual learning, students not turning on cameras...teachers were thrown into a new way of teaching when the pandemic hit in 2020 and although many aren't talking about the struggle publicly, one teacher in Southeast Minnesota is. Kimberly Lundack is a wife, mom of 2 kids that attend Rochester Public Schools, and is the Goodhue Public Schools Band Director for grades 5 - 12. She went virtual with me to chit chat and give a teachers' perspective on some tough questions.
If you missed the Instagram live video that I had with Kimberly Lundack a few weeks ago, take a moment right now to hear her words because we dove deep and she was very honest as we hit on hot topics relating to school during this pandemic:
- What has been one of the biggest challenges teaching during a pandemic?
- What do teachers need from parents right now?
- What do teachers need from the students?
- What advice do you have for parents?
- What advice do you have for students, from a teacher's perspective?
- What's one tip that you have for other moms?
Students...you heard her. Turn on your cameras. Now...this does not mean turn it on and put a doll in its place with a note on it that says "_____ stand-in" because that isn't you. (And yes, parents, this is happening...I saw it on one of my kids' virtual classes.). If you want the best education ever, (or parents, you want it for your kids) no matter what the situation is that you are dealing with, you MUST show up for it and give it 100%. No one wants this virtual world for you but we all DO want you to succeed...and your teachers do more than anyone else. So, go all in. If you've checked out and are chatting with friends during class, playing games when you should be listening, or are just rolling over to hit "join" to make it to class on time, that is on you.
Parents...let's rally around our teachers and support them. And for goodness sake, make your kids turn their cameras on.
Teachers, what other advice do you want parents or students to know? I'd love to hear it and I'd be happy to keep your name confidential...send me a message over on my Facebook page (Jessica On The Radio) or DM me on Instagram.
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