Bullying is still an issue, even in 2019, almost 2020. October is Bullying Prevention Month, and on the second Wednesday of October, we recognize National Stop Bullying Day. This day brings awareness to the need to stop the bullying as well as for people to stand up when they see or hear it.

The Owatonna Middle School got into the spirit of the day by posting this video on Twitter:

Anyone who is bullied may isolate themselves in order to avoid the situations or people who are targeting them. Especially for the children, no child should be afraid to ride the bus, or attend school, for fear of what someone may say or do to them. Nobody should be afraid to report bullying if they see it. If you see something, say something.

Bullying comes in many forms:

  • Verbal - using words to harass, threaten, or intimidate
  • Physical - being aggressive by hitting, kicking, shoving
  • Relational - purposely excluding someone from activities, groups, or events through social tactics
  • Cyberbullying - either by sending unwanted messages or spreading lies by using social media or text message


Lw enforcement here in Southern Minnesota is also speaking out against bullying, using the hashtag #NationalStopBullyingDay

If you have children or are actively involved with them, be aware of what's going on. Keep the lines of communication open and show them how to set boundaries as well as being a role model of how to treat others, and how they should be treated.

The U.S. Department of Human Services set up a hotline that’s available 24/7 to receive assistance stopping bullying. Call 1-800-273-8255.

If you or someone you know are in crisis and need immediate emergency assistance, call 9-1-1 or Crisis Response of SE Minnesota at (844) 274-7472. Crisis Response provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones. Click here for information about other mental health services available in the SE Minnesota area.

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