More And More Minnesota Businesses & Venues Requiring Vaccines
As the new Delta variant continues to spread like wildfire, more and more Minnesota businesses and venues are starting to require proof of vaccination to be admitted.
According to KARE 11 News, the historic Orpheum, State and Pantages theatres have announced that patrons 12 years of age and older, will be required to show proof of vaccination to be admitted to the venues. However, kids under the age of 12 will not be required to show proof of a recent COVID test. This new policy runs through the end of the year.
Also, all guests will be required to wear a face mask inside the venues except when eating or drinking. Eating and drinking will be in designated areas.
Those exempt from from these rules will be guests 12 and older that site sincerely held religious beliefs or an existing medical condition.
"The health and safety of everyone who enters our historic theatres is of the utmost importance and concern,” reads a Wednesday press statement from Mark Nerenhausen, president and CEO of Hennepin Theatre Trust. "As we continue to monitor current state and national data, we want to do as much as possible to aid in reducing the risk and spread of COVID-19."
These venues are just a few that have implemented vaccine requirements and requirements are sure to continue to increase as the hospitals overflow with COVID cases.
As hard as I've tried to understand the reluctance of some to get vaccinated, I still don't get it. You would think that just the fact that over 95% of those people in the hospital ICU's and some dying everyday are unvaccinated, would be enough to convince the vaccine doubters.