Lockdown at Rochester Public School
Rochester, MN (KROC AM News) - Rochester Public Schools is reporting a lockdown was implemented Thursday at John Marshall High School.
RPS spokeswoman Heather Nessler says the soft lockdown was put in place at 9:00 AM after it was learned a student had brought a BB gun to school. Nessler says, "No one was shot. The BB gun was not used."
She says the lockdown was lifted at 10:15 AM.
Nessler says a soft lockdown allows classes to continue and students can move about the building with an adult.
Here is the RPS notice
Dear JM Families,
We are writing to let you know the soft lock-down was lifted around 10:15 AM. It was reported to district personnel that a student brought a B.B. gun to school which prompted a soft lock-down. Site and district administration worked closely with the Rochester Police Department. We are unable to provide additional details due to the MN Government Data Practices Act. We followed all of our proper protocols and our students and staff were safe throughout this process. Students were able to move about the building with an adult during the soft lock-down and teaching and learning still occurred.
We appreciate your patience as we worked through this situation. We want to reassure you that safety of our students and staff are our top priority.
Thank you,
Rochester Public Schools
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