Lisa’s Logic: A Dressy Farewell
My husband and I went to visit his brother in Arcadia, Wis., where he is a band teacher. It was the school's Farewell Concert. This was the second concert we have seen him conduct. It is kind of cool.
The students graduate on Friday so like I wrote this is a Farewell Concert. We didn't think anything of it. Just a choir and band concert. This one was a little bit different with a couple of cool and out of the ordinary traditions. The first one was noticeable right away, but I will get to that in a second.
The second noticeable tradition: Students wrote about senior classmates both for choir and then in band. They would have to go to the mic just off to the side on stage. They all did a great job. And they were funny. I sort of wished the seniors would have pointed themselves out somehow, but a few were obvious. Like when one said to a senior, "We all look up to you, no pun intended." Well she was probably the tallest person on stage.
They brought up messing around in class or how one senior almost always tied his tie.
The band classmates had a little bit of extra maneuvering to do. They had a big band that filled the stage and because of the second tradition which was that prom dresses were worn.
Yes part of the Band and Choir Farewell Concert tradition at Arcadia High School, the girls are able to wear their prom dresses a second time. Pretty cool. I noticed a couple of the girls with long dresses wore comfy sneakers.
Talk about unexpected and colorful, dressy and some puffiness. I did ask a group of people afterward. They did not know when it started but it is now a tradition.
A couple of side notes to pick on my brother-in-law. The first time we watched him conduct a concert, he also played the trumpet. This time he played the guitar for the choir.
Now to pick on him. He was looking for his baton. Someone in the audience shouts out, "It's in your pocket." Chuckle, chuckle.
The sun is shining above ... Think Happy Thoughts.