Lawmakers Working Towards Getting Minnesota a State Soup
If you had to give Minnesota an official state soup, which would you choose? That's what lawmakers in the Minnesota House of Representatives are trying to figure out right now.
A tweet from Matt Hilgart showed up on my Twitter feed over the weekend, sharing a floor amendment looking to set up a "state soup study group":

The amendment reads:
The majority and minority leaders of the House of Representatives and the senate may each appoint one member to the study group. No later than January 1, 2022, the study group must submit a report to the legislature recomending a soup for designation as the official state soup. The report must include a recipe that may be used to prepare the recomended soup.
This sounds like something from an episode of The Simpsons. I know nothing about government, but I'd like to think I know a thing or two about soup.
If I were to assign a Minnesota a state soup, my initial gut reaction is to go with a classic wild rice soup. It's a crowd-pleaser, warms you up on a cold day, and also incorporates our state grain into the dish.
My other nomination if I were to be part of this state soup group (which I would love to be, please pick me) is a can of cream of mushroom soup. There are a couple of issues with that though, being that there is no recipe for it, and it isn't typically eaten by itself. But there is no denying that the soup is a staple in kitchens (and hot dishes) across the state.
What soup would you pick to be Minnesota's official state soup? Share it with me on our station's mobile app!
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